Sunday, May 5, 2013


1. Share the web address url of your groups ScreenR presentation?

2. Reflect on your contributions and how you contributed to making your group a success?
I think our group worked really well together.  We all took turns on completing assignments and taking the lead or facilitator role to ensure that the assignments got done.  We communicated plans and ideas together to make sure we were all on the same page, especially with this final task.  Things that I did was work on different sections of the task 3, writing and revising to include everyone's ideas, and of course encourage my group members to do the best they can.  I feel like it was more of a group effort, rather than just individual to make this a success as we all had to contribute to make things work.  I had a great time working with my group and feel that our face to face meetings really helped us work cohesively.  

Friday, April 26, 2013

Task _3-6 Reflection

1. Why is it important to use teams in PBL? 
I think that using teams is important in PBL because then we can learn about how someone else may view things differently, and hear different thoughts or opinions.  I think that's important in a problem based learning, because there could be a better solution that someone else may have, or together the team can input and work together to create a better solution rather than if you were just working by yourself.  

2. What are some of the problems you see in student teams?
Some problems that I see when there is team work, is the lack of communication.  Sometimes students don't communicate with each other about the task at hand.  I also see problems in terms of the work responsibilities.  Once in a while, you may have a team member who wants to just sit on the side and watch or play around and not do their tasks given.  This puts extra pressure and responsibility on the rest of the team because they have to do "extra" work.

3. What strategies can you use to manage conflict in student teams?
Some strategies I would use to manage conflict in teams would be to have some sort of reflection like the one we do.  I think by asking questions like what was your role, or what did you contribute as well as asking if there are any problems, I could see what is going on with each group, and intervene if necessary.   I would also look into apps or other online resources that help with having open communication with the members, like having something like Google Docs, so all team members can see what's going on. 

4. Did the group have any questions or problems this week?
No, we did not have any problems or questions this week. =]

Week #15 Teamwork

 Aloha fellow 279 classmates,
This week the pue’o ladies had the role of “breathless in Pearl City”.  A person who plays this role is someone who usually will call for help at the first sign of an issue.  This type of person tends to overreact to any different of lack of response by their team member.  This student often serves as an “early warning system” to the instructor of any problems the group may be having.  These student’s actions can lead to as escalation of conflict.  

The top three strategies that we came up with are:
1. Communication – The group members need to present clear instructions that everyone understands so there is no confusion.  The group members should have an open communication whether it is exchanging phone numbers or email address, so that everyone can be on the same page.  The group members should communicate clearly about the responsibilities and roles each member plays so that we can all be accountable for our actions.  If a conflict arises, group member should listen to the concerns, and work it out and not take anything to heart.  The group should find a solution that they all can agree with and just move on.

2. Encouragement/Being Positive – When an overreaction or negative comment arise, the group should be proactive and be positive, and instead say words of encouragement! When the chips are down, team members need to help each other.  Maybe it is to lend an ear or maybe they are in a rut or stuck somehow.  Say a nice word that could change a person's outlook in life.  

3. Understanding/Respecting – Every group member should have respect for each other and respect each member’s ideas and thoughts.  Every member should also understand where each person is coming from and we’re all not exactly the same, so we all may not complete things the same way.  We always need to keep in mind, that we all see things differently, and “Breathless in Pearl City” needs to see where his or her members are coming from or what they’re trying to say, and vice versa. The group members should understand that everyone has problems and hardship.  No ones life is perfect. Things will happen good or bad.  We need to help each other out.  

These are the top three strategies we would encourage “Breathless in Pearl City” to remember when working in a group.  Working in a group is never easy, and does take a lot of work, but if all members come together, set their differences aside, and work at the tasks at hand, it will get done!  

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Task_3-5 Reflection

The ideas that I contributed to my team this week was the different criteria we would use for the assessment for the task.  Together, my team and I worked together to complete the final.  We divided the work among each other so that we could all be involved in this process.  I completed the authentic assessment and created a rubric as required for the assignment.  I encouraged my team members by being there to bounce of ideas or thoughts of each other.  We all support each other and are pretty much on the same page!  We did not have any problems or questions this week.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Task_3-4 Reflection

The pue'o ladies worked very hard to complete the task at hand this week.  Unfortunately, I was unable to meet with them face to face at Starbucks, and instead I gave my suggestions through email and completed the current event.  I know we're on the right track and all encourage each other throughout the week as we all have our own things going on. =] 

current event #13

Aloha fellow 279 classmates,
The pue'o ladies discussed the top three most effective ways that we communicate.  We all agreed on the top three ways!.

First, we said 
face to face.  We feel that its really hard for us to all meet, but we've managed to do so throughout the semester, and I feel that it really helps so that we can verbally discuss the assignments for the week.   The alternative could be SKYPE or Laulima "live meeting Chats". 

Another effective way we communicate is through texting/emailing. Texting or emailing is the easiest and fastest way to find out if what's going on if there are any changes.  We always have our phones with us and can easily respond to each other or call each other

The third way we found effective to communicate would be using Google Docs.  Now that we are using google doc for the task 3 assignment, I like how we can still meet, but we can all be working on the document at the same time, getting things done faster!
 We can see the train of thoughts others have, when information in added to google doc.  We can get on at the same time or individually and enter in their assigned responsibility.   This gives an account of everyone doing their responsibility.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Task_3-3 Reflection

1.    What ideas have you contributed to your team this week?
       As a team we worked together to complete our scenarios.  I feel like by our group meeting, we're able to communicate verbally which is a lot easier to hear everyone's idea.  We sorted out our tasks for our scenario that I feel Mary, Evette, Cherise and I all contributed to.

2.    What role did you play on your team this week?
       I started off by completing the google doc blog and typed what our group wanted to say for the SLOs and      tasks.  

3.    How did you encourage and support your team members this week?
      We all encourage each other and get the tasks completed by pushing each other in a positive way.

4.    Did the group have any questions or problems this week?
       The only question or problem was that we were not clear on who the memos were supposed to be directed to.