Sunday, February 24, 2013

debrief for task #1

Prior to this activity did you use any of these software tools? If so which ones.
   Prior to this activity, I did not use any of the software tools that we did in task #1.  I heard of twitter, but I'm not really into posting all the time in social networks, so I never used it. 

Do you plan to continue managing the news resources that you have gathered in your personal learning network?
   I plan to continue my twitter account for sure.  I think it's really beneficial when you "follow" members or groups that are in education so that I can continue to learn about what's going on in the education world since it's always changing.  I also like the Diigo, although I'm not completely comfortable using it, I will utilize this resource especially when I see new posting about things going on in education that I can't read at that time.  I also will utilize this resource if I need to write a paper, since you can highlight and put sticky notes!

Do you think that a refined personal learning network would be valuable to a new teacher?
   I think a personal learning network is valuable to a new teacher, because since there will be so much going on and so many questions a new teacher may have, they can turn to their PLN to seek help or advice.  Teacher can also benefit from a PLN because as long as you have your smart phone or laptop with you, you can have easy access to the PLN at your fingertips!  I also think that with the different blogs and discussions in the education world, a new teacher can learn more concepts and ideas to help their professional development.  

Share the web address url of your ScreenR presentation.
Here is the web address of my screenR presentation:

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Week #5 Current Event

Hi Everyone,
This week the Pueo's had a hard time choosing an app, as there are so many apps out there that are both educational and beneficial for students with special needs.  We feel that each app that was shared in our group had their benefits and would appeal to different students.  We narrowed down to choosing the app that Evette shared, Proloquo2go.   This app is an augmentative and alternative communication solution for non-speaking individuals. By using this app, individuals use basic skills to communicate and express their wants and needs to others. The user will select which program fits best for their needs. The natural sounding device transforms text to speech voice. In the classroom, we are always looking for a variety of ways to help our student express themselves. There were a few augmentative devices, but nothing as elaborate as this application. Students or users will now have the opportunity to respond verbally and participate in any academic or social setting, boosting the student's confidence. The site provides a more in-depth description on this app, but we wanted you to see how one individual who is autistic, using proloquo2go on his IPAD. Unfortunately, the only downfall of this app is that it is not free.  This app cost $189.00.
Here is the link to the app:

You can also view this 60 minute show, and see the excitement and joy the user displayed.  This is a good investment for a student with needs in communication.