1. What roles did the members of your team have this week?
The members of my team all had the same role this week, to discuss and come up with SLO's and answer the questions and agree upon everything as a group.
2. Given your role in the group this week, how did you contribute to group?
I contributed to the group by completing the blog for week 2. Together we discussed and I would take everyone's input and form it into our answers. I would read what I had, and my group members would agree, or tell me to add this or change that.
3. What worked well this week?
It was good that Mary, Evette, Cherise, and I could meet so that we could discuss the assignments and complete them together. That way everyone had an equal input and we could ask each other questions or get clarification if one didn't really understand.
4. What will you do differently next time?
There really isn't anything we would do next time, except maybe to complete assignment earlier.